Seashell Gallery
Top Shell
Tusk Shell
Venus Comb shell
Pink-mouthed Murex
Black Murex Shell
Captain Cone
Conus Blanca
Cone Shell
Conus Imperialis Shell
Conus Striatus Shell
Checkered Bonnet Shell
Common Screw Shell
Mollusk Fossil
Harper Shell
Heavy Turban Shell
Jade Turbo Shell
Paper Nautilus Shell
Sand Dollar
Spider Scorpian Shell
Spindle Shell
Tooth Shell
(tiny; cow spotted)
(tiny, recess, …)
(tiny, hard, armored surface)
(yellow rugged tiny hardshell)
White Spondylus
Seashell X-ray Photos
See also: Seashell: Misc Seashells, Cut-in-Half View
See also: Mathematics of Seashells.
The biological classification hierarchy: “Kindom:Phylum:Class:Order:Family:Genus:Species”.
The shells animals are of Kindom Animalia (that is, animals), and Phylum Mollusca (they are mollusks). Mollusks have two major class: Gastropoda (gastropods) and Bivalvia (bivalves). Gastropods are those with spiral shells. Snails slugs limpets and abalone are all gastropods. Bivalves are those clam-like shells, including mussell, cockle, clam, oyster.

[National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Seashells by Harald A Rehder. Buy at amazon]