Rick and Morty: Rick's Lover Unity

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

Rick's Lover Unity

Rick and Unity
Unity and Rick

Unity = hottest nerd chick.

Rick and Morty is, truly sad. A very sad show. A tear for humanity.

First Rule of Space Travel

Season 02 - Episode 03 - Auto Erotic Assimilation

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  • Distress Signal | Rick and Morty | Adult Swim
  • Adult Swim
  • Aug 14, 2015

The first rule of space travel, kids, is always check out distress beacons. 9 out of 10 times, it's a ship full of dead aliens and a bunch of free shit! 1 out of 10 times it's deadly trap but, i'm ready to roll those dice! — Rick

Rick and Morty, Unity ship

The Big Picture

You're the only single mind I've met that really sees the big picture. — Unity.

Rick and Morty Unity Let Go
Rick and Morty Not like this We need a hang glider 7vfh2

Race War

Rick and Morty - Race War wz49r
Rick and Morty Unity Drunk 4dcpj

Goodbye Letter

Rick and Morty unity party over
Rick and Morty unity goodbye letter

Rick, forgive me for doing this in notes; I'm not strong enough to do it in persons.

I realize now that I'm attracted to you for the same reason I can't be with you: you can't change.

And I have no problem with that, but it clearly means I have a problem with myself.

I'm sure there's no perfect version of me. I'm sure I'll just unify species after species and never really be complete.

But I know how it goes with us. I lose who I am and become part of you. Because in a strange way, you're better at what I do without even trying.

Yours, and nobody else's,


PS: I don't know where those coal miners were before they were assimilated. You might want to get checked.

Rick suicide

Rick suicide. Season 2, Episode 3.

The song is: Chaos Chaos - Do You Feel It? 🎵

these are from season 2, episode 3, “Auto Erotic Assimilation”

Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty