Rick and Morty: Rick's Lover Unity
Rick's Lover Unity

Unity = hottest nerd chick.
Rick and Morty is, truly sad. A very sad show. A tear for humanity.
First Rule of Space Travel
Season 02 - Episode 03 - Auto Erotic Assimilation

- Distress Signal | Rick and Morty | Adult Swim
- Adult Swim
- Aug 14, 2015
The first rule of space travel, kids, is always check out distress beacons. 9 out of 10 times, it's a ship full of dead aliens and a bunch of free shit! 1 out of 10 times it's deadly trap but, i'm ready to roll those dice! — Rick
The Big Picture
You're the only single mind I've met that really sees the big picture. — Unity.
Race War
Goodbye Letter
Rick, forgive me for doing this in notes; I'm not strong enough to do it in persons.
I realize now that I'm attracted to you for the same reason I can't be with you: you can't change.
And I have no problem with that, but it clearly means I have a problem with myself.
I'm sure there's no perfect version of me. I'm sure I'll just unify species after species and never really be complete.
But I know how it goes with us. I lose who I am and become part of you. Because in a strange way, you're better at what I do without even trying.
Yours, and nobody else's,
PS: I don't know where those coal miners were before they were assimilated. You might want to get checked.
Rick suicide
The song is: Chaos Chaos - Do You Feel It? 🎵
these are from season 2, episode 3, “Auto Erotic Assimilation”