Chapter 18: lojbau mekso: Mathematical Expressions in Lojban

24. Complete table of VUhU cmavo, with operand structures

The operand structures specify what various operands (labeled a, b, c, ...) mean. The implied context is forethought, since only forethought operators can have a variable number of operands; however, the same rules apply to infix and RP uses of VUhU.

plus (((a + b) + c) + ...) pi'i times (((a × b) × c) × ...) vu'u minus (((a - b) - c) - ...) fe'i divided by (((a / b) / c) / ...) ju'u number base numeral string “a” interpreted in the base b pa'i ratio the ratio of a to b, a:b fa'i reciprocal of/multiplicative inverse 1 / a gei scientific notation b × (c [default 10] to the a power) ge'a null operator (no operands) de'o logarithm log a to base b (default 10 or e as appropriate) te'a to the power/exponential a to the b power fe'a nth root of/inverse power b'th root of a (default square root: b ⇔ 2) cu'a absolute value/norm | a | ne'o factorial a! pi'a matrix row vector combiner (all operands are row vectors) sa'i matrix column vector combiner (all operands are column vectors) ri'o integral integral of a with respect to b over range c sa'o derivative derivative of a with respect to b of degree c (default 1) fu'u non-specific operator (variable) si'i sigma summation summation of a using variable b over range c va'a negation of/additive inverse - a re'a matrix transpose/dual a*