李敖有话说 #273:小脚放大没放好 (文言文,白话文, 胡适, 鲁迅) (Li Ao on Chinese)

By Xah Lee. Date:

From Li Ao's Sina Weibo:

中文本由文言文一肩挑,挑不动了,白话文继起。但白话文碰到 5 个绊脚石:一是小脚放大、一是鸳鸯蝴蝶泛滥、一是日文暗伤(看看鲁迅!)、一是国共两党党八股、一是计算机族火星文。要打倒这 5 个绊脚石,建立起恣肆的、漂亮的、博学的新中文。文起白话之衰、道济天下之溺,正是李敖的絶活呀!

哈囉李敖 学者李敖

看李敖的微帖子,一帖也要看个半天。啥是 小脚放大、啥是鸳鸯蝴蝶泛滥、啥是 日文暗伤,啥是 党八股。哦,计算机族火星文,这个我懂。

273 李敖有话说:小脚放大没放好 A

Chen Duxiu (simplified Chinese: 陈独秀; traditional Chinese: 陳獨秀; pinyin: Chén Dúxiù; Wade–Giles: Chen Tu-hsiu; October 8, 1879 to May 27, 1942) was a Chinese revolutionary socialist, educator, philosopher, and author, who co-founded the Chinese Communist Party (with Li Dazhao) in 1921, serving from 1921 to 1927 as its first General Secretary. Chen was a leading figure in the anti-imperial Xinhai Revolution and the May Fourth Movement for Science and Democracy. Politically, he advocated the Trotskyist theory of Marxism.

Chen's ancestral home was in Anqing, Anhui, where he established the influential vernacular Chinese periodical New Youth (Xin Qingnian).



273 李敖有话说:小脚放大没放好 B
273 李敖有话说:小脚放大没放好 C




八股文 (The eight-legged essay)

八股文(英译:Stereotyped Writing;Eight-Legged Essay),是明清科举考试的一种文体,也称制义、制艺、时文、八比文。 八股文就是指文章的八个部分,文体有固定格式:由破题、承题、起讲、入题、起股、中股、后股、束股八部分组成,题目一律出自四书五经中的原文。后四个部分每部分有两股排比对偶的文字,合起来共八股。旧时科举,八股文要用孔子、孟子的口气说话,四副对子平仄对仗,不能用风花雪月的典故亵渎圣人,每篇文章包括从起股到束股四个部分。

The eight-legged essay (Chinese: 八股文; pinyin: bāgǔwén) was a style of essay writing that had to be mastered[clarify] to pass the imperial examinations during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

The eight-legged essay is named so because it was divided into eight sections.[1]

The term “essay” itself originates with Michel de Montaigne in 1580, when he published Essais. The term “essay” then described a genera of literary endeavor. Montaigne's essays demonstrated a narrative deductive rather than inductive approach to examining and explaining experience. The eight-legged Confucian examination response is more an example of a prescribed organizational pattern than it is an essay in the broader understanding of the term, something more akin to the modern five-paragraph essay in that conforming to the criteria demonstrated an aspiring scholar's ability to explain ideas within the confines of an authorized or expected pattern. Accordingly, we must use the term “essay” loosely in this instance.

  1. 破題 Opening
  2. 承題 Amplification
  3. 起講 Preliminary exposition
  4. 起股 Initial argument
  5. 中股 Central argument
  6. 後股 Latter argument
  7. 束股 Final argument
  8. 大結 Conclusion

火星文 = Martian language. Basically, the Chinese version of netslang.


