NXIVM Sex Cult, Allison Mack

By Xah Lee. Date: .
Allison Mack KWVtK-s800
Allison Mack
Allison Mack 9Y5vJ
Allison Mack

pretty girl getting girl slaves fo you

[“Smallville” actress Allison Mack arrested for alleged sex cult involvement By Andrew O'Reilly, Stephanie Nolasco. At http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/04/21/smallville-actress-allison-mack-arrested-for-alleged-sex-cult-involvement.html ]

Raniere, the co-founder of the self-help organization and alleged cult NXIVM, stands accused of keeping numerous women as slaves and branding his initials into their skin.

He was was arraigned last week on the same charges as Mack and was denied bail as he awaits his next court appearance on April 27.

Mack appeared in “Smallville,” a TV series about a young Clark Kent, from 2001-2011, before dedicating her life to NXIVM and Raniere.

According to NXIVM's former publicist, Frank Parlato, Mack came up with the idea of a secret society of women within the organization who would be branded near their groin area.

“She was the principal recruiter of young slaves for Raniere,” Parlato told Fox News on Friday. “They nicknamed her Pimp Mack.”

nxivm karma VhfF9
NXIVM branding on women https://throughthelookingglassnews.wordpress.com/2018/03/30/nxivm-karma-pronounced-nex-ee-um-smoking-hot-branding-concept/
NXIVM Cult Leader arrested for Human Trafficking
Mar 30, 2018
Matt Jarbo

So, Allison Mack is second in command at NXIVM

Her insta and tweeters are:

Archive it now! it'll be gone soon.

here's nxivm's site as of now

nxivm site 2018 04 22
nxivm site 2018-04-22

lol, trying to invoke justice.

you don't brand women and get away.