Feminism Perving 2014-04
today i learned, that the story of Europa (Europe is named after) and Pasiphae (of Minotaur and labyrinth fame) are the same origin. They have to do with sex with bull.
see: http://www.rejectedprincesses.com/. Read the stories there.
A song of classic polyamory. “you and me and her” -- every man's dream. You And Your Friend 🎶
Menstruation: What is the Evolutionary or Biological Purpose of Having Periods?
Gay Activists Screw Society
gay people were fucked because there are righteous fuckheads in society. Now, the fuckheads are the #lgbt activists. #MozillaCEO
see 〔For the Record and The Tragedy of Mozilla By David Flanagan. At https://medium.com/p/7645a4bf8a2 , accessed on 2014-04-05〕
David Flanagan is the author of JavaScript: The Definitive Guide and other books. 〔see JavaScript and Ruby Books by David Flanagan, and Man-made Complexity in Computer Languages〕