Feminism Perving 2013-09
thx to sex, today's mind is brought to you by nubile and nubility, fecund and fecundity, fertile and fertility, and virile and virility (speaking of men).
that's a album art of Asian singer 萧亚轩 - And I Know 🎵
The Harm of Active Voice in Online Dating #dating #feminism #lgbt
don't say “in a civil union” in your online profile marital status.
say “married to a man”, “married to a woman”, or “sleeping around”.
“civil union” my ass.
What Do Women Want in a Date? Billion Dollars Market Research Tells (updated)
porn with the right lighting
human animals have locomotion, by which u go from A to B. When u do locomotion but dont go anywhere, it's called dance. Reading Notes on “Intimate Behavior”
yester i discovered a mysterious site called http://waitbutwhy.com/。By my ∞ wisdom and meticulous analysis,i foretell,it's a female.
for you queer buffs, today's quip is bought to you buy: yester, buff, meticulousness, and in conjunction with foretell.
Glimpse of Panties in Japanese Anime, Innocent?
'tis How Love is Made
see Bedrock - For What You Dream Of (Trainspotting)
Billy Idol - Sweet Sixteen 🎵 Note here, it's sweet 16, not sweet 18, 21. Nor sweet 30, 40.
female is a holed version of male. biology says. woman is a rib of man. god says. Now go make me a sandwich.
as long as there's 50 Shades of Gray, i feel safe from the wrath of a few gender feminists. Girls, please keep showing me your tits and legs. Cosmopolitan, keep publishing❗
Can I have you? Just kidding you don't have a choice get in the trunk. (from Jenna Marbles's twitter
pussy, thy name is succulence.