Leslie Howard Complete Liszt Titles
Leslie John Howard (born 1948) is the only pianist to have recorded the complete solo piano works of Franz Liszt.
Liszt: The Complete Piano Music Buy at amazon
I've listened to them all for a decade plus. Love them.
Liszt is my favorite of all piano music.
here's a interview of Leslie Howard. Extremely boring to watch though.

- https://youtu.be/5qeJkWT5dek
- Leslie Howard in conversation with Melanie Spanswick
Intro to Liszt, Easy-Listening Piano Pieces
If you are new to Liszt, hear this piece, said to be the most beautiful of ALL piano music: Liszt: Un Sospiro
here's 3 of my favorites.

- https://youtu.be/6Ypx9fH-OHk
- Yuja Wang Plays Schubert and Liszt.
- “Gretchen am Spinnrade”
- “Auf dem Wasser zu singen”
- Erlkönig
Liszt did a lot transcriptions of Schubert's pieces. That is, rearrange them for piano. These, are among the most beautiful pieces. They are most easy-listening, melodic, can be appreciated by everyone.
Années de pèlerinage (Years of Pilgrimage)
of all Liszt's pieces, my favorite is this one: Liszt Transcendental Etude #12
Mephisto Waltz
Liszt's Mephisto Waltz, is also popular in concerts. I don't really care this piece.

- https://youtu.be/KJbg9V2KnD8
- Liszt - Mephisto Waltz #1, S. 514 [André Laplante]
The Mephisto Waltz #1 is a typical example of program music, taking for its program an episode from Faust, not by Goethe but by Nikolaus Lenau (1802 to 1850). The following program note, which Liszt took from Lenau, appears in the printed score:
There is a wedding feast in progress in the village inn, with music, dancing, carousing. Mephistopheles and Faust pass by, and Mephistopheles induces Faust to enter and take part in the festivities. Mephistopheles snatches the fiddle from the hands of a lethargic fiddler and draws from it indescribably seductive and intoxicating strains. The amorous Faust whirls about with a full-blooded village beauty in a wild dance; they waltz in mad abandon out of the room, into the open, away into the woods. The sounds of the fiddle grow softer and softer, and the nightingale warbles his love-laden song.
from Wikipedia Mephisto Waltzes
Program music or programme music is a type of art music that attempts to musically render an extra-musical narrative. The narrative itself might be offered to the audience in the form of program notes, inviting imaginative correlations with the music. A classic example is Hector Berlioz's Symphonie fantastique, which relates a drug-induced series of morbid fantasies concerning the unrequited love of a sensitive poet involving murder, execution, and the torments of Hell.
Wikipedia Program music
Liszt Sonata B minor
Liszt's Sonata in B minor, is considered as his greatest by many. I don't really care this piece.

- https://youtu.be/qnPMXk_GaN8
- Yuja Wang Liszt Sonata B minor
i've tried to list and rate all Liszt's pieces. Here it is, incomplete. Liszt Piano Music List
Leslie Howard Complete Liszt Titles
Here's a complete list of Leslie Howard CD titles.
- Vol 01 — The Waltzes
- Vol 02 — Ballades, Legends and Polonaises
- Vol 03 — Konzertsolo Odes Funebres
- Vol 04 — Transcendental Studies
- Vol 05 — Saint-Saлns, Chopin and Berlioz transcriptions
- Vol 06 — Liszt at the Opera — I
- Vol 07 — Harmonies Poetiques et Religieuses
- Vol 08 — Christmas Tree Via Crucis
- Vol 09 — Sonata, Elegies Consolations
- Vol 10 — The Hexamйron
- Vol 11 — The Late Pieces
- Vol 12 — Troisiиme Annйe de pиlerinage
- Vol 13 — A la Chapelle Sixtine
- Vol 14 — Christus, St Elisabeth St Stanislaus
- Vol 15 — ‘Songs without Words'
- Vol 16 — Bunte Reihe
- Vol 17 — Liszt at the Opera — II
- Vol 18 — Liszt at the Theatre
- Vol 19 — Liebestrдume and the Songbooks
- Vol 20 — Album d'un Voyageur
- Vol 21 — Soirйes Musicales — Soirйes Italiennes
- Vol 22 — The Beethoven Symphonies
- Vol 23 — Harold In Italy
- Vol 24 — Beethoven and Hummel Septets
- Vol 25 — The Canticle of the Sun
- Vol 26 — The Young Liszt
- Vol 27 — Fantasies on National Songs and Anthems
- Vol 28 — Dances and Marches
- Vol 29 — Magyar Dalok Magyar Rapszуdiбk
- Vol 30 — Liszt at the Opera III
- Vol 31 — The Schubert Transcriptions — I
- Vol 32 — The Schubert Transcriptions — II
- Vol 33 — The Schubert Transcriptions — III
- Vol 34 — Douze Grandes Etudes
- Vol 35 — Arabesques
- Vol 36 — Excelsior!
- Vol 37 — Tanzmomente
- Vol 38 — Les Preludes
- Vol 39 — Premiere Annйe de Pиlerinage
- Vol 40 — Gaudeamus Igitur — Piиces d'occasion
- Vol 41 — The Recitations with pianoforte
- Vol 42 — Liszt at the Opera — IV
- Vol 43 — Deuxiиme Annйe de Pиlerinage
- Vol 44 — Early Beethoven Transcriptions
- Vol 45 — Rapsodie Espagnole and other pieces on Spanish themes
- Vol 46 — Meditations
- Vol 47 — Litanies de Marie
- Vol 48 — The Complete Paganini Etudes
- Vol 49 — Schubert and Weber Transcriptions
- Vol 50 — Liszt at the Opera — V
- Vol 51 — Paralipomиnes
- Vol 52 — Ungarischer Romanzero
- Vol 53a — Music for Piano and Orchestra — 1
- Vol 53b — Music for Piano and Orchestra — 2
- Vol 54 — Liszt at the Opera — VI
- Vol 55 — Grande Fantaisie de Bravoure sur La Clochette
- Vol 56 — Rarities, Curiosities, Album Leaves and Fragments
- Vol 57 — Rapsodies Hongroises
- Liszt: New Discoveries
truly, many of them you'll never have heard of, and the only place is from Leslie's CDs.
Liszt: The Complete Piano Music Buy at amazon