《上海滩》 The Bund (of Shanghai)

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .

The concerns of male human animals, are mainly 2 things. Power, and girls.

From a female human animal's perspective, the main concern is powerful men.

Nabao The Bund Shanghai 上海滩 - 娜宝


浪奔 浪流 萬里滔滔江水永不休
淘盡了 世間事 混作滔滔一片潮流

是喜 是愁 浪裡分不清歡笑悲憂
成功 失敗 浪裡看不出有未有

愛你恨你 問君知否 似大江一發不收
轉千灣 轉千灘 亦未平復此中爭鬥

又有喜 又有愁 就算分不清歡笑悲憂
仍願翻 百千浪 在我心中起伏夠
《上海滩》 The Bund (of Shanghai)
translation by Xah Lee

the wave roars, the wave howls,
thousand miles of ebb and flow.
in the end, the world's affairs,
mucky and troubled it pours.

happiness, sadness,
joy and sorrow the river can't tell.
success, failure,
awash in the rise and fall.

loving you, hating you, have you felt it?
as the rampage of the billows,
a thuosand turns, passing thuosand bunds,
cannot quell this battering rage.

here's joy, there's sorrow,
laughter and tears amiss.
i would still, tumble a thousand miles,
keep them up in my heart.
yellow river hukou waterfall 9678
Yellow River, at Hukou Waterfall 〔image source 2017-10-23 ❮https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Hukou_Waterfall.jpg❯〕

This is a very popular song. Fighting for power in a fast life. it's theme song of a popular TV/Movie story, of mafia of Shanghai.

Shanghai is a colorful city of rich history. Associated with the rich, fashion, foreign tide. Akin to, say, NY, NY.