Nonsense (song), from Black Myth, Wukong
- Chinese lyrics appreciation.
- This one is interesting if you are into Asian philosophy, related to daoism.
- This is from a song Nonsense, from the video game
- Black Myth: Wukong. 《黑神话:悟空》 《屁》 2024.

- 【1080P 60帧】《黑神话:悟空》16分钟现场演出完整版【2024B站跨年晚会单品】
English translation by me.
三界 四洲 無所求 不可救 長夜 今朝 是非黑白 顛倒 有情 眾生 愛恨貪嗔生死 交織 因緣 果報 忘不了 人欲 便是天道
the world sans desire, is hopeless the nights, and now chaos the passion, of the masses breeds love hate greed resentment life n death cause n effect Want, is the way.