Periodic Dosage Archive 2011-06
Joke: Girl in Hotel with Amenities
美女住酒店一晚结账时账单800元,她抱怨太贵。经理说这是标准收费,酒店附设泳池、健身房和wifi。美女说自己完全没使用,经理说饭店有提供,是她自己不用。 女客人打开皮包掏钱付账,但说要扣除经理和她共度春宵的700元,只拿出100元。经理急呼:“我哪有?”女客人:“我有提供,是你自己不用。”.
A pretty girl is checking out in a hotel, the bill is $800. She complains it's too much. Manager says its standard fare, hotel features swimming pool, gym, and wifi. The girl said she didn't use any of it. Manager says: but it's provided. The girl proceeds to make a payment, but deduct $700 for bedding with manager, so pays only $100. Manager panicked and said: when did i? Girl said: but it's provided.
See also: Woman with Good Legs (Humor).
Started a new blog: Xah's Belles-lettres Blog. Its topics are {English, writing, literature, language, linguistics}. Recent articles on these topics are moved there. If you have interest in these topics, subscribe there.
Dalai Lama Meeting President Obama
Recently the Dalai Lama went to meet president Obama. See:
- Obama meets with Dalai Lama: US “does not support independence for Tibet” By Xeni Jardin. @ Source
Folks, truth must be known. Li Ao has pointed out several things about Dalai Lama and Tibet issues: Li Ao on Tibet and Dalai Lama.
If you take the time to read it and take it seriously, then it's quite shocking. The question is: are Li Ao's statements actually verifiable facts? That, you'll have to decide yourself.
Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert in Star-Spangled Attires
See also: American Flag Dress and Banners, Damsels, and Mores.