The World's Most Dangerous Ideas and Absurdism
The World's Most Dangerous Ideas is a September/October 2004 special report published in the bimonthly American magazine Foreign Policy. Eight notable intellectuals were asked to issue an early warning on the ideas or ideologies that will be most destructive in the coming years.
- War on evil (Robert Wright)[1]
- Business as usual at the U.N. (Samantha Power)[2]
- Transhumanism (Francis Fukuyama)[3]
- Free money (Alice Rivlin)[4]
- Undermining free will (Paul Davies)[5]
- Spreading democracy (Eric Hobsbawm)[6]
- Religious intolerance (Martha Nussbaum)[7]
- Hating America (Fareed Zakaria)[8]
read some of them. visit the Wikipedia page to get links at reference at the bottom. For example:
〔Spreading Democracy By Eric J Hobsbawm. At , accessed on 2016-05-12〕
Eric Hobsbawm (1917 to 2012), historian, died in 2012, aged 95.
read some of them. When you do, you also need to spend sometimes to check author's background. Wikipedia is convenient.
read some of them. Just by these opinion's title, I can quickly point out, which guy i agree, which i think is your moralist scumbag. Here's my quick reflexive labeling:
- War on evil (Robert Wright)[1] → good!
- Business as usual at the U.N. (Samantha Power)[2] → no idea. Boring title.
- Transhumanism (Francis Fukuyama)[3] → this guy is a idiot. His gist is that by loving to enhance human by tech, we may create acceptance of “racial” inequality.
- Free money (Alice Rivlin)[4] → No idea. seems about US deficit. Boring.
- Undermining free will (Paul Davies)[5] → didn't read. seems philosophical exercise.
- Spreading democracy (Eric Hobsbawm)[6] → good!
- Religious intolerance (Martha Nussbaum)[7] → moralist, scumbag. She's academic and mumble-jumbo feminism theory stuff.
- Hating America (Fareed Zakaria)[8] → didn't read.
you see that, the world of people, even smart ones, they don't agree. in fact, diametrically opposite is not unusual.
you see, life is a eternal struggle. A fight to be on top, power, and even opinions. (majority of opinion is a underpinning of power.) in the school of philosophy of absurdism, we are just making pretense, kidding ourselfs, that there's a meaning, a goal.