What is Deepstate, and is Trump, Musk, Thiel, Deepstate?
u guys dunno things.
let me do the explanation.
first, is the concept of deepstate.
the concept of deepstate, is typically interested by people of the pol 4d chess perspective, or with a conspiracy bent.
namely, people, who r fans of observing and discussing politics, from a power struggle, intrigue oriented point of view, with schemes, plots, secrecy, etc.
it is in this throng, the jargon deepstate arise.
because, in this perspective, deepstate are those who r not the gov, but actually run the show. spot on, an intrigue.
george, who is into the 4d chess view, puts it well:
Deep state usually refers to entrenched unelected government institutions, especially military and intelligence, with high degree of control over media, elected leaders and large corporations
now, i am not into this style of pol view.
so why do i constantly use the term deepstate? and what i mean by it?
i constantly use the term deepstate, because, it for me is a synonym for corrupt gov officials, and corrupt mega rich, in usa context.
now, if i no into the 4d chess and cloak and dagger perspective of observing pol, what is my philosophy of pol watch?
to wit, am not interested in jargons of communism, capitalism, ideologies, policies, political theories, or american streak of freedom and justice, etc.
am interested in, did a leader lie, took bribes? what is the person's character?
is it a good person? kind, loving? arrogant, dishonest? capable, strong, weak? what is the judgement by past deeds?
so, back to the question, is elon musk, peter thiel, trump, deepstate?
by definition, in my eyes, none of them r deepstate.
because, they r very much hated, by the vast majority of, that we can agree on is deepstate.
by my own sense of deepstate, aka are they corrupt, lie?
are elon musk, trump, thiel, the type of person, who would wave a hand to kill a person and get a million, as many deepstaters do?
no, they are not. in short, musk, trump, thiel, compared to their peers, they are far more morally integral and good.