Vicky the Viking 北海小英雄

By Xah Lee. Date: .

what i learned about vikings at age 10

Vicky the Viking
Vicky the Viking, 1974
北海小英雄 卡通 主題曲 Vicky The Viking theme song, Taiwan version

This story is in the background of Europe, the [ Viking ] [ ]. It is this story, i first learned about Vikings. As a 8 years-old boy, back then, i didn't give a shit about learning or knowledge, and i didn't really “learn” anything about Vikings, but i surely remember the particularly styled ships (called Longship), the pirate story, those helmets with horns, and i as remember, i loved it. Though, innocence get lost when you grew up. Today, the history of Vikings does not fascinate me, among the histories of great many world's cultures.

Vicky the Viking, known as Wickie und die starken Männer (help·info) in Germany and Austria and Chiisana Viking Bikke (小さなバイキング ビッケ) in Japan, is a German-Austrian-Japanese animated television series which tells the adventures of Vicky, a young Viking boy who uses his wits to help his Viking fellows. It is based on the novel Vicke Viking (1963) written by the Swedish author Runer Jonsson. It premiered on the German TV channel ZDF on 31 January 1974 and aired in various countries. In 2013–2014, the series also existed in 3D animation produced by Studio 100.

The series' main character is Vicky, son of Halvar, chief of the Viking village of Flake. Unlike his village fellows - including most of the other boys of his age - Vicky has a sharp and imaginative mind which helps his fellow Vikings out of many tight situations, including rival Viking lord Sven the Terrible. Certain results of his intellectual approach shown in the series and the film adaptation include building a makeshift catapult to beat his father in a stone-ferrying contest, fitting their longship with kites to make it glide through the air, and using a small sawfish to cut an escape hole through a wooden door.

Vicky the Viking

《北海小英雄》(Vicky The Viking,日语:小さなバイキングビッケ,德語:Wickie und die starken Männer,又譯為七海小英雄(香港)),是一部日本與德國合作的電視卡通,於1974年時首播。作品全長78集,但1至52集由瑞鷹株式會社製作,53至78集則由日本動畫公司製作。本卡通是改編自瑞典作家努勒·強森(Runer Jonsson)的童書《維京海盜小威》(Vicke Viking)。

另外,該作品由富士電視台於1974年在日本播出之後有很大的影響。在後來同樣以海盜為題材的作品,《ONE PIECE》的作者尾田榮一郎在他的作品中曾說他因為本作而喜歡海盜[1],同時也影響了《海盜戰記》的作者幸村誠的寫作構思。
