Chinese Hand Exercise Ball

By Xah Lee. Date: . Last updated: .
Chinese Baoding Balls
Beautiful, with decorative inlaid brass wire. image source

These are called boading balls. It's Chinese tradition for hand exercise. It's relaxing to rotate them.

Review of Metal Balls

This one is the best. But most expensive.

American Ayurveda pure copper ball Ftfw-s700
American Ayurveda pure copper ball Buy at amazon 1500×1500
pure copper boading ball HYNw-s600
Pure copper boading ball. 5 cm diameter. 525g. Buy at amazon
Top Chi Solid Copper Baoding Balls
Top Chi Solid Copper Baoding Balls. 2 inch diameter: Buy at amazon
1.5 inch diameter: Buy at amazon
solid steel balls 02872-s400
Solid Steel Baoding Balls, 5 cm diameter. Each ball weights 537 g. According to amazon reviewer, it's not solid steel. It's filled with sand. Solid Steel Large 2 inch Hand Balls Buy at amazon
hand exercise marble balls eec41
Marble stone. 5 cm diameter. Each ball weight : 142 g, as weighted by customer. Buy at amazon
chinese hand exercise balls 35196-s891x909
artificial tiger eyes
chinese hand exercise balls jade 02522
Chinese Baoding Balls scifi
scifi style
chinese hand exercise balls wood 40533
Pictures shows a 6 cm diameter one. (2.36 inches)
Buy Rosewood baoding balls, 1.97 inches diameter Buy at amazon

Crystal ball, quartz ball, or gem stone balls also work. You just have to find the right size.

rose quartz 1.25 inch sphere ball-s
crystal ball quartz ball