Chapter 7: Brevity Is The Soul Of Language: Pro-sumti And Pro-bridi

11. Abstraction focus pro-sumti: “ce'u”

The following cmavo are discussed in this section:

ce'u    KOhA            abstraction focus

The cmavo “ce'u” is used within abstraction bridi, particularly property abstractions introduced by the cmavo “ka”. Abstractions, including the uses of “ce'u”, are discussed in full in Chapter 11.

In brief: Every property abstraction specifies a property of one of the sumti in it; that sumti place is filled by using “ce'u”. This convention enables us to distinguish clearly between:

✥11.1    le ka ce'u gleki
the property-of (X being-happy)
the property of being happy


✥11.2    le ka gleki ce'u
the property-of (being-happy about-X)
the property of being that which
    someone is happy about