李杀網誌存档 2014-03

Linux 声音加大指令 Linux: Keyboard Software Guide ⌨

什么什么库?是不我写的?不是?滚粗。我已进入编程变态最高境界。What lib? did i write it? no? fuck off. The ultimate programer condition, i have entered.

emacs lisp 跟新。 转换全角/半角中英标点符号。 Convert Punctuation Between English/Chinese Forms Emacs Lisp: Convert Punctuation Between English/Chinese Forms

time to code 6 小时!人生大乐!听 Blondie ♪ “Magic (Asadoya Yunta)” 6小时。JavaScript 写一个图像浏览器库, for example: Internet Usage Day Cycle 或完成我的 jQuery 教程 jQuery Tutorial by Example

伟大的 JavaScript, 人类的未来。 Internet Usage Day Cycle

is the phrase “微博” to describe microblog proper?

so, yes.

微 博

互联网的表情符号, Unicode 变换与选择: 脸书 对 新浪微博 Emoticons on Social Network: Facebook vs Sina Weibo

冰雪奇缘 Disney “Frozen”, “Let it Go”

昙花一现。昙花。王菲 ♪《彼岸花》 (Flower of Paradise) 曼珠沙华的故事 🎶

绮梦键盘。⌨ 强大❗ 谁做的? Sweet Dreams Keyboard ⌨

emacs 设定鼠标大全。 how to bind a mouse button to a command on clicked point. Emacs: How to Set Mouse Buttons and Wheel

如果不喜欢人体功能键盘,那么,最好的键盘是 G710+。•機械式按鍵開關。一個圓柱滾子用於控制音量。多媒體鍵(不虛擬)。F1到F12。6個額外編程功能鍵。完整的修飾鍵。數字鍵盤。背光。

[see Mechanical Keyboard Reviews ⌨]

面向对象编程语言点号语法的优劣 On the Idiocy of Dot Notation of Object Oriented Programing Languages

正在喝两百美刀一斤的茶。你们渣呀❗ currently sipping $100/300g tea. y'all r beneath me.

web tech 就好像是马戏团。今天这样,明天那样。HTML5 是个混账。Xah's Programing Blog

hooker is the look, somber is the music. Requiem for a Dream Theme Song. 学英文的同学: hooker, somber, requiem.

JavaScript: 多少名家都栽在这 JavaScript: What's Constructor? What Does Keyword “new” Do?

别扭 = 彆扭

彆 扭


humbug = 装B。

Chinese: 赫 = bright, radiant, glowing

Pacific Rim 2013 movie poster
“Pacific Rim” Buy at amazon


日本 M-Type 键盘, TRON 键盘。强大! Japan M-Type keyboard, TRON keyboard