2010-01-03 Info about Vertical Life, written by Nexii Malthus. Mac 1.5.7: http://www.filefront.com/15131939/VL1.5.7.OSX.ALPHA.compressed.dmg Windows 1.5.7: http://nexii.ordoimperialis.com/client/Vertical%20Life%20v1.5.7%20Setup.exe ( Following applies to windows version only I think ) Temporary fix for crash! [9:42PM GMT, 20th June] There is a crash in this release. Caused by the client trying to make swirly-particles around talking scripted objects it doesn't know about. By coincidence I implemented a feature to disable swirly-particles, so for those feeling comfortable with messing with files. Go into Vertical Life v1.5.7\app_settings\settings.xml Change this area Code: Select all MakeSwirlyParticles Comment Should the client create swirly particles for no reason on talking objects? Persist 1 Type Boolean Value 1 Change the Value to 0 and it should work fine. [Line:552] Code: Select all Value 0 Also, how to fix the (Away) constantly setting itself, look for AFKTimeout via Advanced > Debug Settings.. and set it to some high value or whatever your preference is. If the fix fails, and 1.5.7 still crashes, you can resort to an earlier 'stable' version: http://nexii.ordoimperialis.com/client/Vertical%20Life%20v1.5.5%20Setup.exe