-*- coding: utf-8 -*- 2008-10 Here's some tips about installing lslint on unix-like systems. This file is from: • Emacs xlsl-mode for Linden Scripting Language http://xahlee.org/sl/ls-emacs.html ssss--------------------------------------------------- Installing lslint On unix-like systems (including Mac OS X), you can download the binary, then place the program at “~/bin”, then you might need to change the execution bits of the file. On OS X, you can do it in Terminal, using this command: sudo chmod 755 lslint So, when you do “ls -l lslint”, the permission bits should display this “-rwxr-xr-x”. You also need to set your shell environment path. Add this line to your “~/.bash_profile”: “export PATH=~/bin:$PATH”. To use it, call it in Terminal like this: “lslint ‹file name›”. You can call it in emacs by typing “Alt+! lslint ‹file name›”. If your emacs does not inherit shell environment, you can set the program paths in your “.emacs”. For example: (setenv "PATH" "/Users/xah/bin:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin" )