Naxos's CDs of Liszt

By Xah Lee. Date: .

Here's list of Liszt CDs i own. Most are from Naxos Records.

v.1, Arnaldo Cohen , 1997 Buy at amazon

Transcendental Etudes

Liszt's Transcendental Etudes is my all-time favorite. See: Liszt and Bach, 4 Songs to Die For.

Jorge Bolet is precise with clarity. I love it. Claudio Arrau is grand and overbearing. I love it too. When playing in the backgroud, it will suddenly seize your attention by it's power and assertion. Of the two, precsion vs “music”, i tends to favor the precision because from a logical point of view there's nothing in music other than precision. Jeno Jando

vol. 3 by Philip Thomson. Buy at amazon .

v.10 Buy at amazon

v.11 Buy at amazon

v.13 Buy at amazon

v.14 Buy at amazon

v.17, Schubert song transcriptions 2, Valerie Tryon , 2001. Buy at amazon Oh, this is super!

Here's a set i own: Beethoven: The Complete Piano Sonatas by John O'Conor. Buy at amazon

I'm not exactly a Beethoven fan, so i have not listened to other pianist's renderings of Beethoven Piano Sonatas, but i think this set is among the best.