Xah Lee Goal 2020
i am 48. i don't have much coming years. As a human animal, that's basically near the end of line.
y'know, naturally, in yonder days, a man at 25, is at his prime, because people die around 40, or 50 if you are lucky. Today, a man lives up to 70 or so. In terms of production, a man is really productive to up perhaps 50, and 60 is pushing.
i note that Yitang Zhang at 58 created a math theorem. [see Twin Prime Conjecture Breakthru: Yitang Zhang] That's really comforting to know.
i regret, as a manner of speaking, that i haven't done much in my life. As in, i wanted to be the greatest, a millionair, one of the greatest mathematician, and, have lots of girls.
but i end up, being a homeless, begging for money for food.
so anyway, i was thinking, what i want to do in the next 10 years. Or, perhaps, set it to 2020, which is next 4 years.
i was thinking, actually, i still can do quite a lot things. Perhaps not something that makes some impact to humanity, such as a theom of math, nor a huge company, etc. But, still, i think i can do something for myself. Such as, actually, become rather wealthy (say, 100k salary a year.)
what i want to do, my goals. Goal for 2020. That's 4 years from today.
anyway, here's the list.
- be expert at basic complex analysis. (meaning, equivalent to 1 semester university study.) must have a comprehensive tutorial on geometric aspects of complex analysis. Geometric Transformation on the Plane
- be expert at basic algebraic geometry. (~1 semester)
- be expert at basic symbolic logic, and formal systems. (2 semesters)
- be expert at writing a compiler. Must have cooked up my own language.
- be expert at basic haskell, ocaml
- be expert at basics of a proof language, such as coq.
- must have my JavaScript svg library at a level competitive to d3.js
- all images here, must be done is JavaScript + svg Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves
- understand Fundamental theorem of algebra
- understand the proof of expressing solution of quintic polynomial, and impossibility of squaring circle, etc. Constructible number
- understand Godel's works. e.g. read the proof. Kurt Gödel
- Euler's formula
- review Probability theory
- review Statistics
- review Game theory
- understand Information entropy