Periodic Dosage Archive 2016-09
wikileaks releases, somebody resigns. This is second now.
before this, it was Debbie Wasserman DNS chair resign, for illegal plotting against Sanders , thx to wikileaks
I resent your language, uncouth ambivalent euphemism that assaults my sensibilities i no understand. Vote for the Blond, America!
creator of Dilbert on Hillary
creator of Dilbert on Hillary
Twitter Trump Bots and Clinton Bots War
it appears there are bots for Trump and for Clinton, churning out thousands of tweets per day, pretending as human supporters. It's, bot war.
sites that logs your page up/down key or scroll
today, sites such as washington post, log your page up/down keys. They know what site you visit, and how much and when you scroll. twitter does same since about 2013. You can tell when you scoll or page down, and there's unnatural delay.
persons like Kellyanne Conway is just fascinating. She is likable, but she gets her point across, even dislikable ones.
- 1. i think i'll stop political tweets too.
- 2. in one sense, stopping political tweet is selfish, because you did not stand for what you think is right.
- 3. in another sense, stopping political tweet is good, because you are not dumping and pushing of your own opinions onto others.
- 4. there is no simple answer about voicing political opinion, and relation between friends. it's complex, also depends on culture, country, situation.
John Oliver, the nerd that tries to be funny
Percentage of the US Population by Time Zone
- Eastern Standard Time: 47.1%
- Central Standard Time: 29.0%
- Mountain Standard Time: 6.7%
- Pacific Standard Time: 16.6%
Reading Notes on Basic Economics
oh wow, Thomas Sowell is 86 now.
latest Thomas Sowell article. If you are professor, give As to all your black students. lol.
the ultimate personality judgement: if a population is clones of you, will it thrive?
Hillary vs Trump first presidential debate, and the social justice warriors
Hillary supporters, vote for Bernie or Jill!
the moderator is a incompetent limp. The sjw had to pick a black man, is that right?
Trump: we need law and order.
Hillary: we need more sjw. #debate
programing today is mostly sjw's views. if you don't agree with such, often you'll be harassed or persecuted (which is illegal)
the sjw today has become extreme to the degree that if you don't agree with their views, you are racist, misogynist, homophobic.
if u apply for job in San Francisco, and your political views is anti sjw, many will not hire with excuse. this is actually illegal. has happened to me
but i know many of you coders, who are fearful of speaking out agains sjw. Be assured, there are still a lot good people who are not militant sjw
the sjw war is just a social political phase as history. if you can, fight it. or, live outside of usa.
if you chose to fight sjw, which is now dominant and powerful of mostly wealthy white people, you will have to pay, of course. whether worthy is up to you
one of the great consequence of the sjw untruth, is rise of Hillary and Trump. Hillary cuz she's woman. Trump is a backlash.#debates
as a programer and extreme nerd life, most my friends, circle, are programers, professors, american left, sympathetic to sjw causes
i myself have mostly leaned left, since 1990, read every issue of Time mag for few years, cover to cover.
I want to help women, sympathetic to their issues, am a brother to females. yeah, the big brother (most girls want bad guy, not big bro)
but recently, realized the sjw or extreme american left, is going too far. it's rise of nazi. it's the China red guards.
2 months ago, my view of Trump was he's a silver spooned buffoon and lier. He's here cuz he's rich. all my social circle posts tells me that
my social network circles are 99% pro sjw people. programers and professors. help women, black lives matters, GENDER GENDER!
i can name at least 10 sjw inclined in my twitter circle EASILY, but only about 3 american right, usually quite.
of the american conservatives, usually they are strong god believer, and moralist. well, i am anti-god, and anti-moralists
but since a month ago, i started to follow anti sjw people. There are tons on twitter too. Most 4chan like shit, but some serious
the sjw, are typically powerful and wealthy white people. The sjw views, superficially anti-white, but actually solidify their own power
i find it a great comfort, that there are a lot against sjw. As Hillary and sjw likes to call as deplorables
now, philosophically, i think the rise of sjw is, their life is too comfortable. usa is killing hundred thousands, but you can help prevent date rape and blacks!
i cannot fathom, my justice-conscious programer friends support Hillary, who take millions of dollars questionably, lie thru teeth straight and smiling.
i supported Obama, first black president. I observe obama's demeanor, i deem him a good and capable. While G W Bush is a fuckface criminal
Turns out, Obama didn't do nothing.
there's “equal opportunity” and there's “equal outcome”. One might say the formal is capitalismish, latter socialismish.
ok. sam harris, famous for popularizing atheism, is a quarrelsome ego-driven guy. and his writing style is academic fat filled to the brim.
open source fanatism = Collectivism
〔A Rebel in Cyberspace, Fighting Collectivism By Michiko Kakutani. At ❮❯, accessed on 2016-09-11〕
〔World Wide Mush, In his new book, “You Are Not A Gadget,” online pioneer Jaron Lanier explains how the Internet has gone off course; a chorus of voices makes everything flat — and scary By Jaron Lanier. At , accessed on 2016-09-11〕
Who Owns Future by Jaron Lanier, 2014. Buy at amazon
You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto by Jaron Lanier, 2011 Buy at amazon
added navigation panel. These i blogged about a decade ago.
Censored Songs (now there's side panel index)
Your Loyalty to Your Company
i cannot fathom the loyalty of most people to companies. My company x is greatest. Next year, switched job. y is greatest.
it's like girlfriends or wife husband. It's currently the greatest and hottest, swear by god. Not by years later.
logically, you could say there's element of lie. But that's not how most people roll. Most people live now, not a saint with cosmo scope.
y'know, there's gondola something indian guy that few years ago was google big shot leading Google Plus. and now, he's not. Then you look back at some videos of his talk while at google, you see how proud this or that of his company. seems funny. (by the way, i just pulled this guy's name out of the hat, as a illustration. I haven't really watched his talks perhaps only once and don't recall if he particularly expressed loyalty to Google. Though, am sure, he has talked a river about how he's proud of Google Plus stuff, because he was leading it and it was meant to be the future of Google.)