Hard Rock Cafe USA
Hard Rock Cafe is a world-wide restaurant chain. It makes ornamental brooches commemorating different holidays and events of different localities. In particular, it makes one for USA birthday “4th of July”. (others including branch opening, Halloween, Valentine, X-mas…) The designs are colorful, often taking regional culture into account. For example, in Asian branches it'll feature Chinese Dragon or China girl. Often, the design features a lovely waitress clad in various attires. Guitar is also a common theme. There are a lot people collecting them.
Left image is from
http://members.aol.com/diggerdmma/. The right image is from
From left to right: • 2000 4th of July Uncle Sam wants YOU with guitar, Phoenix. • 2000 4th of July Dragon, Taipei. • 2000 4th of July Teddy Bear, Tokyo. • 2000 4th of July, Kangaroo, Melbourne. (photos from http://www.hardrockcafepin.com/)